Xmas Activity 2022 – Rules

The CW QRS Telegram Group
presents the
Xmas Activity 2022


  • To promote the use of amateur radio telegraphy.
  • To encourage meeting between radio operators with different skill levels.
  • To allow beginner radio operators becoming more familiar with the use of Telegraphy
  • To encourage the rag-chewing QSO.

Activity Period:

From 00.00 U.T.C., Saturday 24.12.2022, to 23.59 U.T.C., Saturday 31.12.2022.
That’s a 8 days Activity with no time limitation.


World wide activity.

Bands and Mode:

Only C.W. on all Amateur Radio Bands, in compliance with the band plan.


Single operator, CW mode (A1A)


No special call is requested, use the standard call:
Cq cq de …


Minimum exchange of data must include at least: RST, name of correspondents and QTH. Any further information will help the duration of the QSO and therefore the attribution of some additional score.


  • CW QSOs at any speed are valid. The fastest correspondent is required to slow down to the speed of the other.
  • All the collected QSOs contribute to the total score, even if the correspondent does not take part to the Activity.
  • Each station can be logged only once a day for each single band.
    If multiple QSOs are logged only the first will be valid.
  • Minimum QSO duration: 5 minutes.


  • 1 point for QSO lasting 5 minutes + 1 bonus point every minute beyond the fifth up to 30 points per QSO.
  • The total score will be the sum of the points for each QSO.

The calculation of the score will be carried out by the Activity management software, so the participants are not required to make any.

To allow the correct attribution of points each QSO must be recorded with its start and end time, in the case of a QSO with more than one correspondent the start and end time of each must be recorded as if they were single simultaneous QSOs.

E.g.: QSO between two stations:

  • 4 and a half minutes -> NOT VALID FOR SCORE CALCULATION
  • 5 minutes -> 1 point
  • 6 minutes -> 2 points
  • 10 minutes -> 6 points
  • 25 minutes -> 21 points
  • 45 minutes -> 30 points

E.g.: QSO with two other stations:

  • QSO start between A and B at 9:20
  • at 9:30 station C break-in and enter in QSO
  • at 9:40 station B “sign off”
    • A write in log QSO with B from 9:20 till 9:40
      20 minutes -> 16 points
  • A and C continue till 9:55
    • A write in log QSO with C from 9:30 till 9:55
      25 minutes -> 21 points
  • station A total points: 37


  • The Log, in ADIF format, must be uploaded to the site https://cwqrs.pythonanywhere.com/ and must include at least: date, band, mode, call of the correspondent, start and end time of QSO, RST sent and received.
  • The partial logs, which can be uploaded from the first day and during the entire period of the Xmas Activity, can be integrated at any time with the new QSOs by uploading the updated ADIF file overwriting the old ones and adding the new ones. This way, the new files will completely replace those already uploaded.
  • The daily logs will make up the partial results.

By sending the log, a participant declares to:

  • understand and fully accept these rules;
  • operate in compliance with current rules;
  • accept that the log can be used for checking purpose, related to the calculation of the score and that it can be made public in all its parts;

Log Submission Deadline:

Upload your log not later than seven (7) days after the Activity is over.


  • The partial results will be updated real time when each log is uploaded; therefore, they will be immediately visible.
  • The final results will be published on the website https://www.cwqrs.it, on the CW QRS Telegram group and on the Facebook page.


  • The winner will receive a customized accessory for his station with engraved his callsign.
  • A pdf certificate for each participant.
